By utilizing the specific Marketing and Communication services for the advancement of franchises developed within our consultancy, we position your brand in the mainstream communications media. Not only do we enlist the press, specialty magazines, radio, and television, but we also take advantage of the most relevant Internet portals in order to gain greater brand notoriety and better product/service positioning. In addition to this, we strategically position your company to appear amongst the best investment opportunities and also as a prominent franchise amongst the numerous options offered by the Franchise System.
Brand positioning: Key to a successful franchise
The Marketing Department of Barbadillo y Asociados specializes in creating and developing original solutions for the circulation and communication of your brand amongst potential franchise holders. Throughout our years of operation, it has contributed efficiently to the diffusion in the media of a large number of brands, the prestige of whom are recognized today.
Being recognized on the market is vitally important for the expansion of your franchise to be successful and undergo permanent, sustainable growth. People trust what they know. That said, marketing and good franchise communication management are essential for achieving the necessary impact on the market, which in turn is a condition for gaining a high number of candidates, subsequently allowing for an optimal selection.
In order to achieve its communication objectives, Barbadillo & Asociados relies on the following resources on the following four points:
A valuable relationship with the franchise communications media
General, economic and specialised media that allow us to achieve free appearances for our clients. The fact that we are a press office specialising in franchises makes Barbadillo & Asociados a constant reference for the media. The Barbadillo & Asociados consultancy has all the resources for making your franchise a successful reference.
Execution and participation in franchise symposiums, seminars, and fairs
This capability makes Barbadillo & Asociados an indispensable asset for anyone interested in investing in franchising. Utilizing these kinds of events , we are able to publicize our franchise operations and stimulate their expansion.
Our franchise media is placed at the service of our customers
As the operator of our own media outlet, this creates yet another advantage for the exposure of potential franchises. Our franchise portal, along with the Spanish Franchise Guide, the daily newsletters, our newspaper En Franquicia (which is distributed at the main franchise and entrepreneurial fairs in our country), and the specialist monographs are all, among others, highly efficient and free means by which the franchises who trust themselves to Barbadillo & Asociados manage their expansion.
Our exclusive databases are comprised of thousands of exceptional candidates
Due to their distinguished profile, we maintain an extensive network of ideal recipients open to franchise opportunities and business proposals.